Sunday, October 14, 2012

Dear Micah and Liam -

We are starting on a journey as a family.  While you may not know this and you certainly can't comprehend it right now, we are about to start on a fantastic ride, one that will take us to your new sister.

Daddy and I have been talking about this for a long time. It's been on my heart for as long as I can remember to adopt a child, to give a home to a child out there who really needs one, to give heed to God's call on our lives to care for the orphans.

We are finally ready to take the step.  We've spent months trying to discern which path God is calling us to, and we feel like we finally have our answer.  We will journey together, as a family, to get your sister from China and bring her home.

With her will come a whole new culture, a whole new personality to mesh with our four, a new spirit to nurture and cherish and love. 

She will most likely have some medical challenges to overcome, and will probably need our help to deal with some physical issues.  But she will be an example of what we already know.  We know that we are imperfect, and are only made perfect in the sight of God.  She will be perfect to us.  Just as we love you no matter what happens with you, and we would have loved you no matter what ailments you might have arrived with, we will love her.

While we do not know who she is yet, we know that God does.  While we do not know her name, God does. While we do not know when she will officially become a member of the Black family, God does.  While we do not know what challenges she will bring with her, God does. 

There are so many things we do not know, but we take our comfort and strength in our faith that God knows all.  He knows about our precious girl, your sister and our daughter, who will one day be such a part of our family that we will not be able to imagine what our lives were like before she was with us.

Micah, you are already a great big brother to Liam.  Liam, you are about to join Micah in the ranks of big brother, and we know you will be fantastic too.  We know that you both will love your sister and hug her and kiss her and teach her all about trucks and cars and trains.  She is one blessed little girl. 

We love you both.  We love each other.  Our family is about to grow in love, and we can't for that to happen.  Thank you for being a critical part of the journey to your sister.

Mommy & Daddy