Monday, November 25, 2013

Never Alone

Dear Micah and Liam -

I've been neglectful in keeping up with this blog, favoring our family and adoption blogs instead.  It's hard to believe how far we've come since the last post.  When I wrote that, we were anticipating the far-off arrival of your sister.  Now, tomorrow, we're saying goodbye to you and leaving to go halfway around the world and bring her home.

We want you to know that although things will never be the same for our family again, one thing that will not change is how much we love you.  You have opened our hearts in such incredible ways, and have prepared us to be able to love your sister too.

We love your energy.  If professionals were able to bottle your energy, it would be able to power whole cities. It can drive us crazy at times, but we never fail to be in awe of how fast you can go and much fun you can cram into such a short period of time.

We love playing with you.  We wish we could do it all the time, so know that we want to even when we can't.  We love how much you love trains and cars and planes and baseball and golf and playgrounds and puzzles and games.  You're just fun boys, and we will miss that fun while we're in China.

We love your good hearts.  I've said it before and I'll say it again.  I don't really care if you get perfect GPAs or break records for how far you hit baseballs.  I care that you treat people well, that you are kind, that you love like Jesus loved, that you aren't afraid to stand up for what is right.  If you do those things like we know that you're capable of doing, you will have wonderful lives.

We're just so grateful for the gifts that you are in our lives.  We will think about you every minute of every day that we are gone, and we already can't wait to be back with you again.  We love you and we are desperate to kiss your cheeks and hug your little bodies.  Thank you for being our sweet boys.

Mommy and Daddy