Thursday, April 29, 2010

Why I'm doing this

Dear Micah and Liam -

The idea of writing to you regularly popped into my head one day. As I'm going about my day, I'm always thinking about the different things that I want to teach you, the different things I would want you to know. Sometimes, during the course of our lives, everything gets so busy and hectic that I worry so much about the bigger picture - you know, like keeping you alive and in one piece! - that the stuff that seems smaller in the grand scheme falls by the wayside. I'm attempting to correct that before you're grown and out of the house. I say that with only a little bit of sarcasm, for I know that will happen all too quickly.

So I will write to keep from neglecting to make sure I instill in you the sense that life always has something to teach us. I have a suspicion that I will end up teaching myself as much as I am hoping to teach you.

I'm looking forward to it.

Love Always,

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