Tuesday, March 6, 2012

You guys are so much fun

I had the privilege of taking you both to Disney yesterday.  We first took Aunt Heidi (whom Liam calls "No Heidi") to the airport and dropped her off after a few days with us.  Then we headed to Disney (Mickey's House) and Micah started to talk and talk and talk about all the things we could do, and which order we would do them in.  He is big on itineraries and the schedule, just like his mother.

And I so enjoyed toting you both around, first EPCOT, where we ran in to Suheir and Robb Pfeil and Laila and Landon, then to the monorail and to a very busy Magic Kingdom.  It was fun to be with you, though exhausting because Liam still needs to be carried now and then.  We watched the parade and ate popcorn.  We tried to ride the train, but it was too full.  We then had ice cream.  We rode the Peoplemover two times in a row, then watched the Electric parade, where I had Liam on my shoulders and almost dropped him trying to pick up Micah because we couldn't see over the crowd.  A nice lady offered to hold you on top of the fence so you could see.  We then stayed for my favorite--the fireworks, where you both yelled "WHOA!" to nearly every big display.  Then we trudged to the monorail, then to EPCOT, then to our car where you both swiftly fell asleep as I was driving us home.  It was a full day, but one I'll treasure with you.  I love sharing these times with you both.


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